AUTHOR: | | |
His Name and Birth:
Muhammad bin Khaleel Hasan Harraas was born in Egypt in 1335H (1915) in a small town known as Sheen which was part of the city, Kafr El-Sheikh. At that time Kafr El-Sheikh was the capital city of the Gharbia governorate. Today, Kafr El-Sheikh is a governorate in its own right while Tanta has now become the capital of the Gharbia governorate.
 His Upbringing and Early Studies:
The Shaikh was raised in a religious environment as he received his primary formal education in the Azhari school system in 1926. After successfully completing these primary studies, he enrolled in the College of Usool-ud-Deen of Al-Azhar University where he studied until he graduated in 1940 receiving the highest honors.
Afterward, he enrolled in the advanced studies program and in 1945 he obtained his doctorate’s degree basing his dissertation on the subject: “Ibn Taimyyah and his Critique of the Methods employed by the Theorists.”
This shows that he had embraced the methodology of the Salaf at a very early stage in his life, i.e. before completing his academic studies.
His Duties and Positions:
After graduating from Al-Azhar’s collegiate program, Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas began teaching in the Educational Institute at Zakazik.
Then when he obtained his doctorate’s degree, he was hired as a professor in the College of Usool-ud-Deen in Al-Azhar University, teaching the subject of Islamic Creed.
He also served as head of the Ansaar-us-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah Organization in Zakazik, until he was later put in charge of the organization’s branch in Tanta after he helped establish it.
He was then selected to serve as deputy to the main head of the Ansaar-us-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah Organization of Egypt at that time, Shaikh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Wakeel. This nomination took place in a general assembly meeting held on the 15th of Muharram, 1385H (7/9/1960).
Afterward, he was selected to teach in the College of Sharee’ah of the Umm-ul-Qurraa University in Makkah where he spent seven years. While there, he established a branch for the subject of Creed in the Advanced Studies department and served as head of this branch up until he passed away.
Al-Azhar University showed great opposition to his transfer to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the point that King Faisal, may Allaah have mercy on him, had to insist upon his request for him. In the end, lieutenant general, ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Ameen, intervened and the government of Egypt finally agreed to his transfer. Al-Azhar opposed his transfer because they knew Shaikh Harraas would bear the banner of the methodology of the Salaf in full force and fight against the tactics of the theorists and misguided sects.
He also served as the head of the Islamic Da’wah Organization in the Gharbia governorate after founding it with Dr. ‘Abdul-Fattaah Ibraaheem Salaamah in 1393H.
His Scholarly Status:
Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas held a distinguished scholarly position for he was known throughout the circles of knowledge for his deep and intricate understanding of the issues of Creed, the proponents of rhetoric, and the philosophical ideologies of the east and west. He was systematic in his research, precise in his comprehension, organized in his presentation, and completely well-versed in the subject he intended to clarify. And he was unique in his ability to solve problems and clarify ambiguities with regard to scholastic issues.
He was unrelenting when it came to clarifying the truth, presenting evidences, broadening understandings, and silencing opponents. This could be seen from him in his lectures – which would last hours – as well his writings and performance in the classroom while teaching.
One particular lecture he delivered in Al-Azhar that was comprehensive and later published by Al-Azhar amongst their collections of lectures, courtesy of Muhammad Al-Bahee, may Allaah have mercy on him, was the lecture: “The Divine Attributes according to Ibn Taimiyyah.”
In his introduction to the Shaikh’s explanation of al-‘Aqeedat-ul-Waasitiyyah, Shaikh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee said: “The book of Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas is one of the most valuable, clear, and concise explanations (of al-‘Aqeedat-ul-Waasitiyyah).”
Shaikh Abul-Fidaa, Sayyid ‘Abdul-Maqsood bin ‘Abdir-Raheem Al-Atharee said in his introduction to the Shaikh’s book Fasl-ul-Maqaal fee Nuzool ‘Eesaa: “The author has done an excellent job in refuting those who hold this belief, i.e. those who reject what is authentically attributed on the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) with regard to that. In spite of this treatise being small in size, it comprises the evidences and refutes the opponents. So may Allaah have mercy on the author and reward him greatly on behalf of Islaam.”
The publisher of one of the Shaikh’s books, Da’wat-ut-Tawheed, ‘Abdul-Fattaah Az-Zainee said: “It is only proper that Dr. Muhammad Khaleel Harraas, head of the Creed and Philosophy department in Al-Azhar University and one of the callers of Ansaar-us-Sunnah in Egypt, author a book such as this, for how many lectures of his did I hear from him personally and benefited from immensely in which he would explain the Tawheed that the messengers called to. And I saw him in the last part of his life, may Allaah have mercy on him, defending the Sunnah and refuting those who reject ahaadeeth found in Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim based on their intellects. So may Allaah have mercy on him and all of the Muslim scholars.”
In his biographical account of the Shaikh, ‘Alawee bin ‘Abdil-Qaadir As-Saqaaf said: “He, may Allaah have mercy on him, was Salafee in his Creed, strict with regard to the truth, and strong in his ability to establish proof and clarify matters. He spent his entire life teaching and writing. And he spread the Sunnah and the Creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah.”
Amongst the scholars of his time that he had met and kept a good relation with and who would praise him and advise people to read his books were: Shaikh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee, Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz, Shaikh Haamid Al-Fiqqee, Shaikh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Wakeel and Shaikh Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaamee.
His Efforts in Spreading the Creed of the Salaf:
Dr. Muhammad Khaleel Harraas lived a life full of sacrifice and struggle all in the name of trying to establish the balanced and true methodology and to reinforce the Call to the Way of the Salaf.
He worked hard to fight against polytheism, innovation, misguided groups, destructive beliefs, and deviant ideologies. He would employ all avenues and use any opportunity presented to him in order to achieve this, such as within the classes he gave at the institutes and universities, his general lectures, his articles for the al-Hadee-un-Nabawee magazine, his publication of books and treatises, and so on and so forth.
After the death of Dr. Harraas, Muhammad ‘Abdul-Hameed Ash-Shaafi’ee, former head of the Ansaar-us-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah of Egypt, said about him: “And so Khaleel has passed on like this and therefore a noble Salafee scholar has died. For how long did he carry the weight of calling to Allaah and struggling in His path on his shoulders! He would wage war against idolatry with every ounce of strength in him. And he would concentrate all his energy and time in teaching the Sunnah and warning against innovation. He would face such hardships from oppressors, endure such plots from innovators and experience such atheism from heretics the likes of which no one would be able to tolerate except for the patient and forbearing.
He was in truth a sincere caller – neither lethargic nor lazy. Rather, he was always moving, active and untiring wherever he was, whether in the village, the city or other places he traveled to.
Dr. Muhammad Khaleel Harraas’s connection with the Ansaar-us-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah Organization began around 1360H during the time of its founder, Shaikh Muhammad Haamid Al-Fiqqee. This was while Shaikh Harraas was still a teacher at the Religious Institute in Zakazik, the place where he first began spreading the call to Tawheed. During this point in his life, he was also busy preparing his doctorate’s dissertation on the subject of Ibn Taimiyyah, may Allaah have mercy on him.
Afterward in 1945, while in the College of Usool-ud-Deen at Al-Azhar University, Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas obtained his doctorate’s degree and was subsequently appointed as a professor in the same college (of Usool-ud-Deen) within the University (Al-Azhar). He would toil tirelessly to spread the Creed of the Salaf throughout the classrooms of Al-Azhar and launched a full-scale offensive against the beliefs of the people of rhetoric, clarifying how they deviated away from the beliefs of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. Most of his material would be extracted from the works of Shaikh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyyah and his student Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah.
He would also deliver exhaustive scholarly lectures filled with narrative and intellectual evidences. This includes the lecture he delivered in Al-Azhar which was published amongst Al-Azhar’s lectures under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Al-Bahee with the title: “As-Sifaat-ul-Ilaahiyyah ‘inda Ibn Taimiyyah” [The Divine Attributes according to Ibn Taimiyyah].
Dr. Harraas was diligent and eager to produce a generation of students that would understand the Creed of the Salaf to the point that it flowed from them like blood from their veins. This was so that they could in turn carry its banner after learning from him and proclaim it to their people, family and communities. So he would not deliver lectures to just give pure information, rather he would add a spiritual and doctrinal aspect to it.
Amongst his efforts in manifesting the way of the Salaf while at the University of Al-Azhar and demonstrating his firmness upon it was the fact that he based his research paper for obtaining his professor’s degree on the subject: “Ibn Taimiyyah, the Salafee.”
The Shaikh encountered great opposition and harm due to this enthusiasm and zeal of his for following the way of the Salaf. He endured many problems and obstacles from both the University of Al-Azhar’s administration and some of his teachers and colleagues. An example of this is the one mentioned previously when Al-Azhar at first refused to transfer him to Saudi Arabia.
However, no matter who you ask, Dr. Harraas played a prominent role and exerted tremendous effort in spreading the Creed of the Salaf in Al-Azhar.
His Articles in the Al-Hadee-un-Nabawee Magazine:
Dr. Muhammad Khaleel Harraas also worked at spreading the methodology of the Salaf by way of contributing serialized articles that he would write regularly for the Ansaar-us-Sunnah Organization’s magazine at that time “al-Hadee-un-Nabawee.” This magazine served as the voice of the organization during that era and it would traverse the farthest regions of the Muslim world, spreading the call to the Way of the Salaf, bearing the banner of Tawheed, and raising high the slogan of the Sunnah.
The Shaikh would write articles for three ongoing segments in the magazine where he would clarify the Creed and refute those affected by the ideologies of intellectualism and innovation who would reject ahaadeeth. The titles of these segments were:
1. The Creed of the Qur’aan and Sunnah: Under this segment, the Shaikh set out to clarify the correct creed derived from the two pure sources of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
Amongst the subjects he presented in this series was: Allaah’s Existence in two parts and Allaah’s Oneness in more than forty parts. In these articles, he discussed issues related to Allaah’s Lordship, Allaah’s Oneness in worship, certain acts of worship such as supplication and seeking assistance from Allaah, Allaah’s Oneness in His Names and Attributes and so on.
2. Allaah rises over His Throne even though the Deniers may Hate it: This consists of a refutation of an article written in the “al-‘Itisaam” magazine. In these series of articles, the Shaikh clarifiedsthe creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah with regard to Allaah rising over His Throne, while refuting the people of rhetoric and philosophy.
3. The Pillar of the Sunnah
His Religious Verdicts in the Al-Hadee-un-Nabawee Magazine:
Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas was put in charge of answering readers’ questions sent in the al-Hadee-un-Nabawee magazine after the death of Professor Abul-Wafaa Muhammad Darweesh, may Allaah have mercy on him. Questions would be sent in from all parts of the Muslim world the magazine would reach and they would cover a wide range of topics and sciences.
There is no doubt that taking charge of such a duty requires a great deal of researching and examining of the books of the scholars in order to prepare answers for these numerous questions on distinct subjects. A portion of these questions would also be on issues pertaining to Creed, Tawheed and the Sunnah. Dr. Harraas continued to fulfill this most important duty up until the time that the magazine seized publication, which was in 1387H.
His Lectures in the Organization’s Center as well as in the Cities, Villages and Colleges:
From the methods and ways employed by the Ansaar-us-Sunnah Organization to spread the call to Tawheed and the Prophetic Sunnah were the weekly lectures and programs they would hold in their main center on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Dr. Muhammad Khaleel Harraas had an active role in organizing these lectures. He would deliver talks that would focus on clarifying the Creed of the Salaf, backing that up with proofs from the Qur’aan and Sunnah and statements of the Companions, Taabi’een and Muslim Imaams. His lectures would be widely circulated.
With regard to the cities and villages, the center would organize outings in which they would go visit the various branches of the organization throughout the cities and villages of Egypt to give academic lectures and lessons, to attend general assembly meetings to select administrative boards for those branches, or to participate in specific events such as opening a masjid or announcing a new branch.
Shaikh Harraas played a big part in this area as he would participate in these da’wah, administrative and inspectional trips.
He would also deliver academic lectures in universities, taking advantage of those opportunities to present the Call to the Way of the Salaf to the audience members, which would consist of teachers, students and faculty members.
At times, he would also give valuable points of advice to the youth of Al-Azhar close to the end of the school year so that they could go back to their towns and families properly equipped with the creed of the Qur’aan and Sunnah.
His Formation of the Ansaar-us-Sunnah al-Muhamadiyyah Organization in Tanta:
After Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas embraced the methodology of the Salaf, he began to proclaim the Call to Allaah in the institutes, universities, cities and villages. Amongst these cities was his town of Tanta. However, when he realized that the call of individuals dies with the death of those individuals, he worked to form a branch for the Ansaar-us-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah Organization in Tanta. After forming this branch, he assumed its leadership and as a result was able to spread Tawheed, revive the Sunnah, demolish polytheism, and exterminate innovation.
Shaikh Fat’hee Ameen ‘Uthmaan said: “When Shaikh Harraas formed the Ansaar-us-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah Organization in Tanta, he would give lectures there in which he would fight against innovation and call to the Sunnah in a good manner while using proofs from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. This had a great effect in bringing many people back to the truth.
Another of its effects was that the wrath of the enemies of the truth surpassed its limits and so they began to complain about him to the authorities by distorting his methodology. They based their argument on the precipice that he hated the awliyaa (close friends of Allaah). However, the matter fell into the hands of a smart man who quickly saw the truth and realized the objective behind their complaints. So he advised them to refrain from this because the Shaikh was only calling to the truth.
Shaikh Harraas would deliver sermons to the people in the masjid on Fridays and lectures in the evenings for the organization as well as during any other occasion in which he would get the opportunity. And his call found general acceptance amongst the people. From among his biggest aides and supporters was Dr. ‘Abdul-Fattaah Salaamah.
His Authoring of Books and Support of the Methodology of the Salaf:
Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas is considered one of the most prolific writers amongst the scholars of Ansaar-us-Sunnah on the subject of the Creed of the Salaf. This was since he began writing about it ever since he began acquiring knowledge. This is seen clearly in the fact that his doctorate’s dissertation was titled: “Ibn Taimiyyah and his Critique of the Methods employed by the Theorists.” He also based the thesis for achieving his professor’s certificate on the subject: “Ibn Taimiyyah, the Salafee.”
From amongst Dr. Muhammad Khaleel Harraas’ biggest efforts in spreading the call to the way of the Salaf was his explanation of the book “al-‘Aqeedat-ul-Waasitiyyah” of Shaikh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyyah, which is distinguished by its clarity, conciseness, referencing of the Qur’aan and Sunnah and statements of the Salaf, past and present, in numerous places, and mention of the opinions of the various sects along with a response to their false ideologies.
In his introduction to this book, Shaikh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee said: “The book of Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas is one of the most valuable, clear and concise explanations (of al-‘Aqeedat-ul-Waasitiyyah).”
This explanation continues to be used in the curriculum of some schools and institutes today.
After this, comes his book “Da’wat-ut-Tawheed” [The Call to Monotheism] which is distinguished by its simplicity and ease. This book discusses some of the most important issues of Creed such as the definition of Tawheed, its categories and effects, an explanation of Allaah’s Attributes, and the call of the prophets from the time of Nooh to the time of Muhammad. It also talks about the appearance of the following sects: the Qadariyyah, the Murji’ah, the Jahmiyyah, the Mu’atazilah and so on. The book also discusses the Sufis and their dangers and refutes them. It is from the most widespread books of the Shaikh in which he exerted a great deal of effort in clarifying the call to Tawheed.
Then there is his book “Sharh al-Qaseedat-un-Nooniyyah” [An Explanation of the Nooniyyah Poem] of Ibn Al-Qayyim. The explanation of this book is considered a form of spreading the beliefs of the Salaf since it consists of a clarification of the creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah on various issues and mentions the opinions of the sects, while refuting them in a smooth and firm poetic manner. The explanation along with the original text was published in two volumes.
Among his significant works was his book "Fasl-ul-Maqaal fee Raf’ ‘Eesaa Hayyan wa Nuzoolihi Li-Qatl-il-Maseeh-id-Dajjaal" [The Final Word on Jesus Ascending Alive and Descending to Kill the Antichrist]. This book consists of a refutation against those who follow the intellectual school of thought as well as those who tread their path and were influenced by them, particularly in that which is related to rejecting the descending of Prophet Jesus. No doubt this is considered one of his efforts in stopping that violent wave that opens the floor for those with evil intentions and desires to play around with the issues of Creed.
In his introduction to this book, Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas said (pg. 5): “To proceed: Since the beginning of this century or a little before it, there appeared a group that called to free thinking, leading a religious reformation movement and working to revive the correct understanding of the Religion in the souls of the Muslims. However, in their efforts to achieve this, they began rejecting many aspects of the Unseen that have been mentioned in the clear and well-known texts of the Qur’aan and Sunnah, which only further confirms their authenticity and establishment. And they have no support for this rejection of theirs except for the defiance and self-delusion of their intellects…”
There is also the book "Al-Harakat-ul-Wahhaabiyyah" [The Wahhabi Movement] in which he refutes an article from Dr. Muhammad Al-Bahee. This book is one of the significant efforts made in order to expel the biased misconceptions and claims concerning the call of Shaikh Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab, which is considered one of the Islamic reformation movements that spread the spirit of the methodology of the Salaf throughout the Muslim ummah.
In this book, Dr. Harraas said (pg. 32): “The movement only calls to returning back to the way of the Salaf with regard to beliefs, which represent the fundamentals, since the Salaf were united upon it in one single view against the people of desires, such as the Khawaarij, the Shee’ah, the Qadariyyah, the Murji’ah, the Jahmiyyah, and their likes.”
Verifications and Explanations:
Dr. Muhammad Khaleel Harraas took on the task of verifying and explaining some of the books of the Salaf on various subjects, such as Creed, Hadeeth, Prophetic Biography, Jurisprudence, and so on.
Verifying and distributing the books of Creed is considered one of the efforts in serving the methodology of the Salaf since the material found in these books is confined to explaining the correct creed and pure monotheistic beliefs that the pious predecessors (Salaf-us-Saalih) were upon.
As for the work and effort he did in books on other subjects, Dr. Harraas’ explanations and comments to these texts would still focus primarily on clarifying the Creed of the Salaf and calling others to adhere to it.
List of his Written Works and Verifications:
His written works include:
1. Da’wat-ut-Tawheed [The Call to Monotheism]
2. Sharh al-‘Aqeedat-ul-Waasitiyyah [An Explanation of the Waasitee Creed of Ibn Taimiyyah]
3. Ibn Taimiyyah wa Naqduhu li-Masaalik al-Mutakallimeen fee Masaa’il-il-Ilaahiyaat [Ibn Taimyyah and his Critique of the Methods employed by the Theorists on Theological Issues]
4. Ibn Taimiyyah As-Salafee: This is the thesis he wrote for obtaining his Professor’s certificate from Al-Azhar University.
5. Sharh al-Qaseedat-in-Nooniyyah [An Explanation of the Nooniyyah Poem of Ibn Al-Qayyim]: This is considered one of his greatest works. It was published several times in two volumes. It also goes by the name ath-Thimaar-ush-Shahiyyah fee Sharh-in-Nooniyyah [The Tantalizing Fruits: An Explanation of an-Nooniyyah]
6. Fasl-ul-Maqaal fee Raf’ ‘Eesaa Hayyan wa Nuzoolihi Li-Qatl-il-Maseeh-id-Dajjaal [The Final Word on Jesus Ascending Alive and Descending to kill the Antichrist].
7. Sharh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb [An Explanation of at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb of At-Tabreezee]
8. Sharh as-Seerat-un-Nabawiyyah Libn-Hishaam [An Explanation of the Prophet’s Biography of Ibn Hishaam]
9. Al-Harakat-ul-Wahaabiyyah [The Wahhabi Movement]
10. As-Sifaat-ul-Ilaahiyyah ‘inda Ibn Taimiyyah [The Divine Attributes according to Ibn Taimiyyah]: This was a lecture he delivered in Al-Azhar University, which was published amongst a collection of Al-Azhar’s lectures courtesy of Muhammad Al-Bahee.
Amongst the classical books that he verified were:
1. Al-Khasaa’is-ul-Kubraa also known as Kifaayat-ut-Taalib-il-Labeeb fee Khasaa’is-il-Habeeb of As-Suyootee
2. Al-Amwaal of Abu ‘Ubaid Al-Qaasim bin Salaam
3. At-Tawheed of Ibn Khuzaimah
4. Al-Mughnee of Ibn Qudaamah
5. Subul-us-Salaam of As-San’aanee
His Students:
Due to the Shaikh’s active role in teaching and especially due to his position in Umm-Qurraa in Makkah, many students were produced under his supervision, particularly those with professional and specialized degrees. From amongst those who learned at his hands were:
1. Dr. Mahmood Muhammad Mazroo’ah: Professor of Creed at the Umm-ul-Qurraa University of Makkah.
2. Dr. Ahmad ‘Atiyyah Az-Zahraanee: Former head of the Creed department at the Umm-ul-Qurraa University of Makkah.
3. Dr. Ahmad ‘Atiyyah Al-Ghaamidee: Professor of Creed at the Islamic University of Madeenah.
4. Dr. ‘Alee Naasir Al-Faqeehee: Former professor of Creed at the Islamic University of Madeenah; now retired from teaching.
5. Dr. Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaamee [D. 1416H]: Former head of the Creed department at the Islamic University of Madeenah.
6. ‘Abdul-Fattaah Salaamah: Head of the Tafseer Department in the Advanced Studies section of the Islamic University of Madeenah.
His Death:
The Shaikh was particularly very active in the last year of his life as he delivered many lectures that year in Tanta, Mahalla and the Ansaar-us-Sunnah’s main center. Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas passed away in 1395H (Sept. 1975) when he was close to sixty after having lived a life full of calling to Allaah, teaching and writing. May Allaah have mercy on him and grant him a lofty abode in Paradise.
Recently, a student named Moosaa bin Waasil As-Sulamee based his thesis for obtaining his master’s degree from the College of Da’wah and Usool-ud-Deen at the Umm-ul-Qurraa University in Makkah on the subject: “Shaikh Khaleel Harraas and his Efforts in Establishing the Creed of the Salaf.”
The researcher chose Shaikh Harraas as the subject for his thesis, in his own words: “Due to the fact that the writings of the Shaikh are characterized with profuse knowledge, a clear technique, and a deep understanding of the beliefs of those who oppose the Creed of the Salaf, which makes the attempt to divulge on these efforts of his a source of great benefit and good.”
In summary, the study shows that Shaikh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas:
1. Was distinguished by his strong ability to use texts from the Qur’aan and Sunnah as evidence for his points, which indicate his firm and well-grounded knowledge.
2. Adhered strictly to the Qur’aan and Sunnah and would refer to them and judge by them in all affairs.
3. Showed great concern for the principles upon which the theorists and philosophers based their beliefs on with regard to matters of Creed.
Sources used for his Biography:
The sources used for this particular biography were the biographical accounts of the Shaikh found in the Dar-ul-Minhaaj 2003 edition of Sharh al-Qaseedat-un-Nooniyyah, the Dar-ul-Imaam Ahmad 2008 edition of the same book and ‘Abdul-Fattaah Salamaah’s biography of him found in the Dar-ush-Sharee’ah 2004 edition of Fasl-ul-Maqaal.
Published on: November 3, 2007
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